Drillholes Properties: Symbols

Note: A Datamine eLearning course is available that covers functions described in this topic. Contact your local Datamine office for more details.

Use the Symbols screen to define landmark and structural symbols for your loaded drillhole object overlays.

To access this screen (method 1):

  1. Display either the Sheets or Project Data control bar
  2. Expand the Drillholes folder.

  3. Either right-click a drillholes overlay and select Properties, or double-click a Drillholes overlay.

    The Drillholes Properties screen displays.

  4. Select the Symbols tab.

To access this screen (method 2):

  1. Load and display a drillhole object overlay in any 3D view.
  2. Double click the drillhole overlay.

    The Drillholes Properties screen displays.

  3. Select the Symbols tab.

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